Google Translate

Google, by employing artificial intelligence, started on Thursday to expand Google Translate by 110 new languages, including Cantonese, NKo, and Tamazight. These new languages are used by more than 614 million people, which means that translations are now available for about 8% of the global population. Some are among the major world languages with more than one hundred million speakers.

Google makes use of AI to introduce new languages

Some are used by small groups of Indigenous people, while several have few first-language speakers but ongoing language activation programs, the company noted in a press release. Google recently revealed that its Translate tool now understands 110 new languages due to the firm’s PaLM 2 large language model. At the present moment, there are approximately 7000 languages in the world, and Google Translate can translate only a small number of them.

But the company is gradually improving its position. In 2022, Google introduced 24 new languages through a model that can learn the next language without any examples. In the same year, the company laid down the launch of the 1,000 Languages Initiative intending to develop AI models for translation across the 1,000 most popular languages in the world. 

New languages that will be introduced with Google translate

From Africa there are more than a quarter of the new languages, making this the largest increase in African languages: Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda, and Wolof. This year alone, Google has introduced 24 new language pairs with the help of zero-shot machine translation which implies the ability of a machine learning model to translate directly into another language without utilizing previous examples. There is a web-based version of Google Translate, a Chrome browser extension, and applications for iPhone and Android. See full language’s list via officially blog of google translate.

Here is a brief overview of the new languages: The full list and also more details can be found on the Google help page Some of the noteworthy additions include Cantonese which Google claims was one of the most requested languages for Translate Balinese Fijian Portuguese (Portugal) Tahitian and Tibetan.


By Yash Verma

Yash Verma is the main editor and researcher at AyuTechno, where he plays a pivotal role in maintaining the website and delivering cutting-edge insights into the ever-evolving landscape of technology. With a deep-seated passion for technological innovation, Yash adeptly navigates the intricacies of a wide array of AI tools, including ChatGPT, Gemini, DALL-E, GPT-4, and Meta AI, among others. His profound knowledge extends to understanding these technologies and their applications, making him a knowledgeable guide in the realm of AI advancements. As a dedicated learner and communicator, Yash is committed to elucidating the transformative impact of AI on our world. He provides valuable information on how individuals can securely engage with the rapidly changing technological environment and offers updates on the latest research and development in AI. Through his work, Yash aims to bridge the gap between complex technological advancements and practical understanding, ensuring that readers are well-informed and prepared for the future of AI.

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