Google AI

New reports suggest that the occurrence of AI Overviews is diminishing with research proving that they appear in the search results in less than 10% of the searches. This has been slightly over 2 months since Google introduced the AI Overviews for every user of the search platform in the US and the events that have followed this change have not been pretty to Google.

As many expected AI Overviews to siphon large amounts of the Internet traffic to the AI Overviews themselves, vast and virulent errors created by AI Overviews seemed to cause Google to partially backtrack on the project in several large ways.

Google doesn’t intend to show Google AI overviews anymore

Statistics released on 6th June showed that, whereas Google was presenting AI Overviews for preview testers in more than eighty percent of the searches, the number had dropped to a range of only forty to fifty percent when the feature was launched in May, as low as fifteen percent afterward due to errors such as applying glue on pizzas.

New numbers suggest that the possible regulating has been done by Google even to a lesser extent. Based again on data by BrightEdge cited by SearchEngineLand, hurhur, only 7 percent of the searches are being furnished with the AI Overviews as of the end of June. That has greatly reduced from 11% at the beginning of the month.

To break that down, the report states that while AI Overviews have long been featured in 26% of searches related to questions education-based, this has now fallen to 13%; and are found in just 9% of e-commerce-based searches, down from 26%; or in ‘almost none’ of entertainment-based queries, previously at 14%. After viral mistakes which were mainly associated with Reddit, it is also evident that AI Overviews seem to be referencing Reddit less often in their answers.

One can observe the same; it appears that AI Overviews are no longer being submitted as frequently. That’s why they appear so seldom, and sometimes in locations that were once preferred by them. Earlier, we suggested that the majority of all AI Overviews were identified in the queries that were cast in the form of a question. 

By Aisha Singh

Aisha Singh plays a multifaceted role at AyuTechno, where she is responsible for drafting, publishing, and editing articles. As a dedicated researcher, she meticulously analyzes and verifies content to ensure its accuracy and relevance. Aisha not only writes insightful articles for the website but also conducts thorough searches to enrich the content. Additionally, she manages AyuTechno’s social media accounts, enhancing the platform’s online presence. Aisha is deeply engaged with AI tools such as ChatGPT, Meta AI, and Gemini, which she uses daily to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. She also analyzes emerging AI features in devices, striving to present them in a user-friendly and accessible manner. Her goal is to simplify the understanding and application of AI technologies, making them more approachable for users and ensuring they can seamlessly integrate these innovations into their lives.

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