
Google’s Gemini has lately introduced the seventh extension called the Data Commons, intending to facilitate public data and place them in more useful categories. Data Commons normalizes and cleans data from over 200 sources, it is also considered highly credible and insightful.

Specifying the circumstances, the data team of Commons Data since the year 2017 has tried to standardize and process thousands of main data sets from publicly and reliably available data.

This information from the Inter-governmental Panel on the United Nations Climate Change, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statics, the United States Department of Commerce, and over 200 sources more, to date.

Data Commons normalizes and prepares thousands of datasets from such reliable sources as the United Nations, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and the US Department of Commerce.

It embraces more than 200 sources and contains data regarding demographic, economic, educational, housing, health, climate, and biomedicine Antarassov, Anton 37 e indicators. The given database includes information on 194 different countries.

Starting from September 2023, Google implemented large-scale language models; where one could ask questions in natural language. The answers sourced are received from the Data Commons containing links to the sources, so the information passed is accurate.

This includes the United Nations’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, United States Department of Commerce; The list targets above 200 sources.

These are numerous data sets that embrace demography, economics, education, housing, public health, climate and sustainability, and biomedical. To clarify, Google stated that “Data Commons does not acquire and own any data.”

Major features related to this extension

While this new extension gives Gemini bright data visualization capability; users can see and manipulate data from different data sources and process them with efficiency. You can now use Gemini to access @Data Commons.

This can particularly “visualize data on such issues as climate change, occupation, the economy, and health.” This option is turned on by default and is present alongside Google Flights, Google Hotels, Google Maps, Google Workspace, YouTube, and YouTube Music.


By Yash Verma

Yash Verma is the main editor and researcher at AyuTechno, where he plays a pivotal role in maintaining the website and delivering cutting-edge insights into the ever-evolving landscape of technology. With a deep-seated passion for technological innovation, Yash adeptly navigates the intricacies of a wide array of AI tools, including ChatGPT, Gemini, DALL-E, GPT-4, and Meta AI, among others. His profound knowledge extends to understanding these technologies and their applications, making him a knowledgeable guide in the realm of AI advancements. As a dedicated learner and communicator, Yash is committed to elucidating the transformative impact of AI on our world. He provides valuable information on how individuals can securely engage with the rapidly changing technological environment and offers updates on the latest research and development in AI. Through his work, Yash aims to bridge the gap between complex technological advancements and practical understanding, ensuring that readers are well-informed and prepared for the future of AI.

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