Google is experimenting with a new AI Overviews loading page with animation similar to the Gemini design. This removes the old blue-line animation and replaces it with an updated blue and green one that was seen on Google Gemini. To complement this, the loading screen uses phrases such as ‘Working on this’ and ‘Putting it all together’ to give it a more active feel.
Reddit User Reported a Change in Loading Animation
As it turns out, there are new loading animations. A Reddit user was the one who initially pointed this out and was nice enough to share some imagery and a video that describes this new loading animation alongside other changes (via Source 9to5Google). The style is completely different, and it’s a substantial shift from the blue lines that we are accustomed to observing in the loading animation in today’s AI Overviews.
As revealed in the post, which contains the screenshot of the new animation, this animation appears after a query has been searched on Google Search and before the summary is created. At this time users will see a ‘blue line’ that AI Overviews is coming up with a reply. Additionally, the phrase “Working on this” may be substituted for the phrase “Looking this up,” as is also reported by the user.
Google’s march towards advanced AI technology
It might just be a new look and makeover, but one can assume that it rivals Gemini 2.0. Late last month, the company introduced a newer model for the AI Overviews in Search feature, and this last week it began piloting it.
Google stated Gemini 2.0’s “advanced reasoning capabilities” will allow AI Overviews to handle more abstract concepts and sequential questions, oh yes, such as nonlinear equations, riddles with words and symbols, or computer code, with an expanded release set for “future months and early next year. Presumably, that is the badge, and likely why it is a hair slower than whatever is stable right now.
Google mentioned that they were only testing Gemini 2.0 in some AI overviews, so it’s clear that the company is still trying to improve the AI function. Its successor, Gemini 2.0, is expected to deliver superior language recognition and comprehension and may contribute to such enhanced and enlightened search results as informatively accurate summaries.